Hello and Welcome

My name is Ursula Boston.
You don’t have to be a qualified teacher to do this. I am a real stay at home, homeschool Mum and housewife. I like to think of myself as Daring ( you have to be to do this) and Devoted.
I have experienced all the highs and lows of educating kids at home and know all too well the perks and jerks of this unpaid job.
So… with all the resources and first-hand experience that I will share, you will be empowered with decades of advice that will guide you through the home education process and all the problems that will come with it.
So, if you are considering this modern day pathway of education or perhaps you are already neck deep in this ( thanks to the current Covid-19 Pandemic), I hope you find my advice and experiences a valuable comfort on your darkest days.
What Will I Be Responsible For As A Home Educator?
Quite frankly its not easy job and the stark reality is that as your child’s educator you will be responsible for a few very important things :
Organising, planning and implementing the educational curriculum
Providing a comfortable and harmonious learning environment
Providing access to resources to support your child’s learning
To supervise, monitor and asses your child’s educational progress
So Where Do I Start My Home School Journey?
Firstly you need to consider what type of home schooling you want to do? Do you want to follow a educational curriculum or do you want to be responsible for creating and implementing your own subject content and lessons ?
Every state in Australia has a legal requirement that children from age 6-16 need to be enrolled in a school or alternatively register for homeschooling or distance education.
- School of Distance Education Program in your State or Territory. This basically means that the program, subjects and curriculum are following the general state school curriculum. You will have flexibility with study times and most lessons will be online with provisions for one on one learning and tutorials.
- Create & Plan your own curriculum. You will be required to register and be approved as a Home Educator. This is a little more complex and strict guidelines and reporting are required.
- Other Educational courses or Online learning. Usually religious based organisations that have created a specific curriculum. Similar to online distance educational learning. Both paperback and online learning.
Links to State Education Authorities
What Do I Need To Do Next ?
After reading all this please do not feel daunted by the task ahead if you have decided to be a homeschool parent.
You are not alone.
There is currently 30 000+ kids that are home schooled in Australia today. This does not include the kids that have been forced into home school due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic.
I have written a e-book about how to home school successfully. It took me a long time to write and an even greater amount making all the mistake you can save by reading it.
It’s called: How to Homeschool – The Good the Bad and the Ugly Realities of Doing it Successfully
The aim of the book and the website is to arm you with the tips and tools to make this transition easier and give you the confidence to do this successfully.
And by successfully we mean : At the end of each day
- We want YOU, the parent to be confident in your teaching skills and abilities
- To feel empowered knowing that you can successfully combine your role as parent and teacher with your kids.
- To create a learning environment that is harmonious, helpful and happy during study time for everyone
- To be able to set daily and long term SMART goals and achieve them.
- For the kids to feel proud of their daily achievements and know that they are loved unconditionally regardless of academic results.
- For the family to be mentally and physically stimulated.
The wonderful thing about homeschooling is that it gives our kids the freedom and flexibility to follow their interests, set their own goals and set their own pace. It also allows and encourages us and our kids to embrace and enhance our individual creativity.
There is no doubt that new beginnings are hard and homeschooling will be no exception.
To help you navigate all through this I have divided the most important issues relating to homeschooling into 5 main categories:
Please head over to our LEARN page for more information to help you with this.
The plain and simple truth is that some of your daily challenges will be good, some will be bad and some will be ugly !! This is just the pure reality of it all. But, it is how you handle the problems that ultimately counts the most.
And just as the old saying goes” knowledge is power”, and if you try to educate yourself with sound advice and information you can become more confident in the choices you are making and how to handle different situations and obstacles that you will face with your kids.
We can all agree that we want our kids to enjoy learning. We need to know how to connect and communicate effectively with each other.
So with the help of all the information that I have made available for you and with persistence, planning, motivation and confidence… you can successfully homeschool your kids !
Quick Question and Answer
Over the years I have been asked hundreds of questions about homeschooling, as there seems to be a natural curiosity attributed towards it.
However there are a few that are the most frequently asked.
Here they are :
- Do I need to be a teacher to do this? – NO…You are more than capable of doing this and we are here to help you.
- Where do I start ? – You need to register in a School of Distance Education Program or if you are planning on setting your own curriculum you need to register in your own States through the relevant Education Authority.
- How many hours a day do I need to commit to this?- Be prepared to spend up to an average of 2- 4 hours a day,
- Will my kids become socially awkward from homeschooling?– Definitely NO…
- Can my kids enter University if they are home schooled? – Yes provided they are ATAR registered and completed senior study requirements or HSC alternative
- How do we motivate our kids? – Rewards and praise for effort are a good start.
- What about discipline and motivation?- Certainly necessary to develop good study habits .
- What is my child’s learning style?- This can be identified and tailored to suit your child view my learn page.
- Where can I get help? -Assistance and resources are everywhere. Please contact us for further information.
- How much will it cost?- Depending on circumstances cost is minimal in comparison to private schooling fees..
I wish you every success and happiness in your homeschooling journey.
With love and kindness
PS. Never feel ashamed or embarrassed if you and your kids chose this pathway and lifestyle. Embrace it and feel great pride. You are one of the lucky parents that gets to develop a beautiful connection with their kids.
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