organisation and preparation

How To Design A Study Station In 3 Easy Steps

It is extremely important to create a relaxing and productive workspace or study station for your child or kids. Everyone needs to feel comfortable when they are to begin work at their desk.

 Here are a few of my secret little tips to create a comfortable environment for them.

1. Create a Comfortable Environment

 Firstly, you will need to ask yourself a few simple questions to understand the environment you will be creating:

  • Will work be done on a kitchen table or in an allocated space or room
  • Is there wall space to allow for pin-ups and shelving
  • Where is the closest power point to the workspace?
  • Is there an internet connection available?
  • Is there adequate ventilation and lighting
  • Can the temperature be controlled in the space (for heating or cooling)

2. Consult With The Students

Then ask your child/kids:

  • What are their favourite colours?
  • Do they like to listen to music when they study?
  • What type of chair is comfortable for them?

It’s important to remember that to maintain focus and enhance learning we need to be physically comfortable and surrounded by things that make us feel happy and that are personal to us.

3. Apply My 10 Little Secrets

  1. Invest in a good comfortable chair (they will be sitting on it for many hours in a week)
  2. Add extra task lighting to the main ambient lighting ie. adjustable table/reading lamp
  3. Mount a large clock that the child can visually see. This will help them keep track of the time it takes to complete tasks and when lessons are scheduled.
  4. Make sure everything has a place and a space. Use containers or boxes that are clear to see contents or clearly labelled. Give everything an allocated space and ensure that everything is returned to the same space after use.
  5. Colour code everything in groups.- This is especially helpful when you have multiple kids. Give each one a specific colour for folders, stickers or labels that will identify their individual belongings.
  6. Access to music can provide relaxation or motivation if needed. It creates an ambience to assist learning.
  7. Ensure there is adequate ventilation, open a window, turn on a fan or regulate the temperature in the room.
  8. Use your child’s favourite colour (or allocated colour for multiple kids) to accessorise. This may be used in containers for storage, notebooks, cushions, lamps, stationery and wall hangings.
  9.  Where possible add a potted plant. Being surrounded by a little bit of nature is always nice. Peace lilies are beautiful and are cleansing to the air quality. Hopefully, the kids will water
  10. Personalise the work area with photos or pictures that are of happy times or memories for the child/kids. Also, include awards or special artworks that instil pride. This will evoke a positive thought reminder. You could mount them on a corkboard or BluTac to a whiteboard or wall.

These are just a few helpful tips. You may find that you will need to re-design or modify the study space a few times before everyone is comfortable with the position and item placement.

And remember not too much clutter. Sometimes too much can create a messy mind.

Good Luck

With Love and Kindness

Ursula x

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How To Homeschool E-Book Cover

How to Homeschool – The Good the Bad and the Ugly Realities of Doing it Successfully

This is the book I wrote to my younger self about doing it successfully. Take it from someone who has been there.

It is everything I have learned from my 18 years as a full-time educator, mum, and housewife.

It is everything you need to get started.

Ursula Boston

About The Author

My name is Ursula Boston. I’ve been educating my daughters as a proud homeschool mum for nearly 20 years. Alongside managing our household and small business from home.

If you want to learn how to do this from someone who has actually done it. Twice! I will show you HOW.

More About Me

How To Homeschool E-Book Cover

How to Homeschool – The Good the Bad and the Ugly Realities of Doing it Successfully

This is the book I wrote my younger self about doing it successfully. Take it from some one who has been there.

It is everything I have learnt from my 18 years as a full time educator, mum and housewife.

It is everything you need to get started.

Ursula Boston

My name is Ursula

Hello and Welcome !

I’ve been educating my daughters as  a proud homeschool mum for nearly 20 years. I have also been married to a very patient man for 28 years and have combined all this with running our household as well as managing a small business from home.

Our oldest daughter is currently completing her PHD in Clinical Psychology and our youngest has entered her final senior years of High School. 

If you want to learn  how to do this from someone who has actually done it… Twice, I will show you HOW.

I do not claim to be an expert , nor am I a qualified teacher but I am qualified to share all my experiences. From our humble beginnings of teaching from the kitchen table through to the advancements of  digital learning on the laptop.

I will happily share with you tips and tricks that will guide and support you along this daunting yet equally amazing home school journey

No Pay… but plenty of Pride ! 

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