Do you think it is important is it to make your bed every morning? I say YES !… I think it extremely beneficial for children and parents alike, to create a daily routine. By doing the little things it reinforces in us that we can achieve the big things too.
How to Create a Consistent Home School Routine?
A consistent routine that is followed every day will eventually become a habit. This automatic habit will take about 3 to 4 weeks to achieve. And in the life of a homeschool parent, we need our kids to have routines and habits that assist us with the day’s events and time management.
It’s best to start with simple routines for yourself first … such as this as my example here:
- 10.00pm – set a standard bedtime at night for yourself
- 5.30am – set a standard wake time for yourself in the morning
- create a morning ritual for yourself – (MAKE the BED, shower, cup of coffee, put on a load of washing)
- 6.30am – wake the kids
- 7.00am – morning table talk with breakfast
- 8.00am – schooling lessons
- 2.00pm – Pack up & play
- 6.30pm – Dinner & table talk
- 8.00pm – kids bedtime
- 8.30 – Adult TV time/time out
- 10.00pm – lights out
Once you have established the basics you can then proceed to add a little more detail and structure. An example I implemented was when the kids woke up in the morning they needed to immediately make their beds, and when a meal was finished they all cleared & rinsed their plates and stacked them near the sink.
These little habits will become a ritual that hopefully will continue and become a natural part of your child’s routine well into adulthood.

We should all work together as a family
Routines Lead to Positive Habits
By implementing routines into your day you will be cultivating successful habits in yourself and your kids. It may also create a little more harmony in the household.
You won’t be running around mad in the mornings yelling and screaming as the time just flies by. You’re still in your pyjamas and the kids haven’t done much at all except trash the kitchen and run outside to catch the bugs trapped in the pool filter box. Then all of a sudden it’s lunchtime and the kids haven’t even had breakfast yet.
I must say I like to start my mornings the day before. And by that I mean, after the kids have packed up for the day and study time is over, I like to prepare for the next day.
- I look over the weekly planner to know what commitments I have the following day.
- I check the kid’s lesson plans and ensure that we have all the resources for the scheduled activities and lessons.
- Then I do other basic stuff like think about what we are having for dinner the following night, and write up a shopping list if needed.
Small Habits That Change Our Life
All these routines ensure that I am well prepared and it also is a good example to my kids that we need to be organised and prepared. It also ensures that when my head hits the pillow at night I am not worrying about all this stuff that I should have done or that needs to be done. It gives me comfort and allows me to relax a little knowing that I am somewhat prepared for the next day.
I will admit in addition to all this, I was profoundly awoken by a speech given in 2014, by Admiral William H McRaven ” If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.”
It made me realise just how important making positive little habits are. The little things matter. If you can complete and do the little things, you can do the big things. These little habits build motivation and positive self-actualisation without really even realising the effects that they can have on our daily lives.
As routines and habits are set, and then completed, we have actually set a goal or target and reached them. The feeling of accomplishment fosters pride in us.
Your intention may not be to change the world but by teaching our kids to make their beds every day it may just change their world.
Routines and Habits – Helpful Resources
- Check it out on YOUTUBE Goalcast -” If you want to change the world start off by making your bed”
- Another interesting read is ” ATOMIC HABITS – How to Start Habits That Actually Stick” by James Clear
This read is a bit more into the psychological aspects of forming habits and how to understand the causes and effects. Nevertheless, knowledge is power and we should never stop learning !!
Good Luck
With love and kindness always
Ursula xo
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How to Homeschool – The Good the Bad and the Ugly Realities of Doing it Successfully
This is the book I wrote to my younger self about doing it successfully. Take it from someone who has been there.
It is everything I have learned from my 18 years as a full-time educator, mum, and housewife.
It is everything you need to get started.

About The Author
My name is Ursula Boston. I’ve been educating my daughters as a proud homeschool mum for nearly 20 years. Alongside managing our household and small business from home.
If you want to learn how to do this from someone who has actually done it. Twice! I will show you HOW.