Dads play a vital role in harmony – allow them to be involved
Research and statistics tell us that generally in the homeschool household, Mums are the predominant teacher/tutor when it comes to homeschooling the kids.
This basically means that the Dads are at paid work, while the Mums are at home working full-time as care providers and home educators for the love of it. No pay but plenty of Pride !!
However, to create a happy and harmonious home, I have a few suggestions that will help Dads become more involved and supportive within a home-school family.
1. Help Mum And Appreciate Her Effort
Dads need to be supportive. Both emotionally and physically. Dads/husbands/Partners need to ask questions and become active listeners.
Ask about the day, the problems encountered the kid’s triumphs and tribulations etc. Make Mum feel valued and supported. She may be working for no pay but she is definitely working.
2. Reward Mum For Her Hard Work
Reward her by offering to make her a cup of tea, help with cooking or chores or take some time to interact and play with the kids while she has a little break.
Small and loving gestures, open communication and active listening go a long way in cementing a solid foundation in marriage and family relationships.
3. Mums Can Acknowledge Dad’s Part Also
Unless you win the lotto or you have inherited family money. Dads will most likely be spending most of the time their days at work. Not always fun either.
Acknowledge that part. Dad can have tough days at work also. Gratitude for everybody’s role will lead to a happy and harmonious family.
Read more about Harmony and joy in the home school household
4. Invest In Education And Resources
If you’re home-schooling consider investing in extra educational resources for the kids. This will help Mum too.
Subscribe to online educational programs, and take excursions and field trips to museums and galleries. Purchase books on subjects that the kids are interested in, and make an art and craft collection box full of supplies.
The additional resources and the combination of academic education complemented by life education is important. You can enhance life education by incorporating some skills and activities that complement academic learning.
For example:
- Plant a vegetable or herb garden (biology & science)
- Follow a recipe and cook dinner (maths & English)
There are literally hundreds of ways to teach and prepare our kids for the real world when they grow up. Let’s give them the very best opportunity that we can and invest in all the resources that we are able to afford.
Every cent you spend combined with the time you spend with your kids is valuable. It is an investment in their future and their happiness.
5. Bedtime Reading With The Kids
Dads can really help by spending some time reading to the kids or better still, listening to them read at bedtime.
This allows Mum to get other stuff around the house done or like me enjoy my fave TV show, put my feet up and enjoy a cup of tea or glass of wine. (depending on how the day went)
It’s an easy way for Dads to interact and be involved with the kids. It also gives Dads a chance to see how the kids are progressing with reading skills.
This may not be applicable for older kids or teens but instead of reading perhaps just a good talk about their day, one on one time.
6. Be Involved
Dads may not be around all day to see what is going on with the school work but they can be actively involved. They can help with lessons that the kids may be struggling with.
They can be interested in what the kids are learning about. They can join forces with Mum in addressing and solving problems that have been encountered with the kids during the day. Behavioural issues, motivation, attitude and emotional issues all should be openly discussed.
7. Plan Together
Be on the same page about the children’s educational future. Plan the curriculum together set a specific goal and discuss this together.
Dads play a vital role in the harmony and happiness of the home-school household. Allow them to be actively involved even if they do things a little differently.
All that matters is that they are helping – in some way.
With Love and Kindness
Ursula x
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How to Homeschool – The Good the Bad and the Ugly Realities of Doing it Successfully
This is the book I wrote to my younger self about doing it successfully. Take it from someone who has been there.
It is everything I have learned from my 18 years as a full-time educator, mum, and housewife.
It is everything you need to get started.

About The Author
My name is Ursula Boston. I’ve been educating my daughters as a proud homeschool mum for nearly 20 years. Alongside managing our household and small business from home.
If you want to learn how to do this from someone who has actually done it. Twice! I will show you HOW.