Though the traditional school system has been around for centuries, there is growing debate over whether homeschooling provides a better education. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of both options.
There are a few key factors to consider when making the decision between homeschooling and traditional schooling. One is the educational quality – which option will provide your child with a better education?
There are also socialization opportunities to think about – will your child have more or less opportunity to interact with their peers if they’re homeschooled?
How Does Homeschooling Differ From Traditional Education?
When it comes to educational quality, there is no doubt that homeschooling can be a great option. With homeschooling, you can have complete control over the curriculum and can choose materials that are best suited for your child’s needs.
It provides flexibility and can be tailored to a student’s learning pace.
Or you can choose to homeschool through a Distance Education online program. This alternative supplies all the resources and lessons and gives some flexibility however is a little more structured.
Whatever style of homeschooling it also offers more flexibility when it comes to scheduling, so you can work around your child’s individual learning style and the family lifestyle. This is perfect if you are travelling.
Homeschooling also offers a more relaxed and informal learning environment. You can teach the kids anywhere at any time. Take them into the garden to learn about science. Have a lesson in the park or under a tree. You can teach subject matter in a relaxed informal setting.
The Benefits of Homeschooling
Homeschooling has many benefits for the student, the parents and the lifestyle of the individual family.
Benefits for the Student
- Homeschool fact is that homeschool students do 15% better on average on test scores
- Homeschooling can provide a more customized education that meets their individual needs.
- They also have more opportunities for one-on-one attention and personalized instruction. This can be especially helpful for students who are struggling in a traditional school or who have been diagnosed with a learning disability
- Homeschooling also offers a more relaxed and informal learning environment.
- More opportunities for hands-on learning and practical experience.
- Safe from school violence and bullying
- Students learn actual life skills whilst learning informally
- Free from peer pressures and negative behaviours in school
- Less chance of catching classroom headlice and sicknesses
- Students can drink and eat whenever they please and are not restricted to break times only.
- Fewer distractions than in the classroom
Benefits for Parents
- homeschooling can be a great way to spend more time with their children and get involved in their education.
- Less expensive than sending your child to a traditional school.
- A great way to teach your child about your own values and beliefs.
- Chose your topics and supporting resources
- Students safe from school violence
- No drop-off or pick-up school runs
- No need to iron uniforms
- Sibling relationships become closer
- No need to notify the school of the student’s absence
- Take family holidays and vacations at leisure and not restricted to school breaks
- No parent volunteer school working bees
- No packing school lunchboxes

The Challenges of Homeschooling
One of the challenges of homeschooling is that it can be difficult to plan and organise the specific curriculum that you wish for them to learn if you plan to be in charge of this. In an online education course, all this will be supplied as it will follow a standard state curriculum
Another challenge of homeschooling is that it can be isolating for both children and parents. Children who are homeschooled may not have as much opportunity to interact with their peers, which can make social development more difficult.
In addition, parents who homeschool their children may feel isolated from the larger community since they are not participating in traditional school activities.
However, this is where it is important to ensure that both parent and student have a balanced social calendar. It may be that extra curriculum activity for the student needs to be organised, such as joining a sporting team or hobby club.
The same applies to the parent. Social activities need to be planned for outside the home. Visiting friends, meeting others at parks, joining clubs or fitness centres. These places are a great way to strike up conversations and new friendships.
Despite some challenges, homeschooling can be a successful option for families who are willing to put in the time and effort. Families who homeschool their children often report feeling closer to one another and feeling like they have more control over their child’s education.
In addition, homeschooling gives freedom and flexibility for different family lifestyles
How to Decide if Homeschooling is Right for Your Family
Homeschooling can be a great option for families who are looking for more flexibility in their child’s education. Before deciding if homeschooling is right for your family, you should consider the pros and cons of the traditional school system vs. homeschooling.
It would be beneficial to write down a pros and cons list
Consider things like:
- What type of homeschooling style? Distance Education Program or a fully unschooled program
- Hours in the day you can dedicate to supervising and organising homeschooling lessons
- Who will be the primary supervisor/teacher
- Impact on the family finances should a parent need to give up working hours
- How the family dynamics will change being together 24/7
- Plans for student resistance and motivation techniques
- Types of resources and topics that will be needed
- Extracurricular activities
- Socialization
Resources for Homeschoolers
There are many different resources available for homeschoolers. Some of these include online programs, textbooks, and local co-ops. It is important to find the resources that work best for your family and your finances.
Online programs can be a great way to get started with homeschooling. They offer a variety of lessons and activities that can help you teach your child at home. Textbooks are also a popular resource for homeschoolers.
They provide a wealth of information on a variety of subjects. Local co-ops are another great option for homeschoolers. They allow you to connect with other families who are also educating their children at home.
This can be a great way to get support and learn from others in the community.
There are many different resources available for homeschoolers. It is important to find the ones that work best for your family. With a little research, you can find the perfect fit for your child’s education.
How Do You Go About Homeschooling Your Children?
There are many different ways to homeschool, and it can be tailored to fit each child’s needs. Parents who homeschool their children often find it to be more convenient and affordable than sending their children to traditional schools.
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About The Author
My name is Ursula Boston. I’ve been educating my daughters as a proud homeschool mum for nearly 20 years. Alongside managing our household and small business from home.
If you want to learn how to do this from someone who has actually done it. Twice! I will show you HOW.